How to protect your child from smoking? 9 tips to parents

Now, students from 10 years old to be tested for smoking - the child will pass tests of breath and blood for the detection of carbon monoxide and carboxyhemoglobin

Ministry of Health has approved a new procedure for medical examination of school children, according to which the test "smoking" will be held two times - in 10 years, and 14. Teachers do not believe in the need for complex analyzes, because usually teachers already know who smokes in their class. But the impact on student teachers cannot, and psychologists are not enough, especially as the main and major work on the topic of harm from smoking cigarettes and should be done in a family.

Is it possible to protect their child from addiction? How and what to talk with the child, that he did not light?

The main thing - to show right example

According to statistics, if one parent smokes, with a probability of 97% will be smoking and child. When smoking a parent says to the child about the dangers of smoking, gives instructions, warnings - all these words, and instructions will be ignored, since the apparent ambivalence undermines the credibility of the child to the parent and, accordingly, he said.

Therefore, the best exposure will own example - parents should not smoke, and if they are already smoking, to make every effort to quit.

To psychologists. "While the words are not backed up by experience - they have no value. As a child, we know the world through the senses, and bind them to the observed phenomena. And then the word will activate the feelings and meanings that have been attached to it. And parents and did the benchmark behavior, desires, opinions. For very young kids there is no right or wrong manifestations adults. All they see is seen as the only true. In the future, we also trust my own experience is much more than words. What would be the correct word may sound, if beloved dad smokes, it means that there is something there. If your favorite dad says "Smoking - harm to health," but he smokes, most of all, he's lying. After all, this is a great intelligent adult who will not do harm to themselves, no matter what it was. At least we think so, and not only in childhood,”

Build a powerful negative attitude
Even if the parent does not smoke, fully protect children from tobacco smoke is difficult - someone is smoking in the stairwell, someone - on the balcony or in a window on the street, in cafes and in the movies. Tobacco smoke is still addictive, and smoking - the curiosity that fueled by movies and images of smoking heroes. All this forms the child's interest, and he would like to try the "forbidden fruit". It was at this point it is important to talk with your child about the dangers of smoking, to explain - why it's so scary and bad, perhaps even show a special film, which is told in the colors and the production of cigarettes and their harmful effects on the human body.

To psychologists. "This kind of information is best served the child in a visual format - let it be pictures, most unpleasant, showing how tobacco smoke affects the internal organs. The feeling of disgust there much faster. But it is important to remember that negative attitudes - only an aid in instilling healthy lifestyle. Their share should not be more than 10% in the overall process. Otherwise formed opposite phenomenon - appeal to overcome the aversion "- explained psychologist.
No scandals!
To know that your child is smoking? Try to do without scandals and cries. In adolescence, boys and girls, led by a feeling of protest, so any attempt to ban would merely have a strong interest in cigarettes.

If you know that a child smokes, your main task - to raise his self-esteem. It is best to talk quietly about who he smokes, who else in the company, why all of them are interested. Try to convince a child that without a cigarette, he will lose credibility among smoking peers, and will only cause their respect.
To psychologists. "It is always important to identify what kind of need replacing bad habit. Then we can find other ways to meet this need. It may be a desire to raise the profile of important people. During adolescence, important people - its peers, whatever you do, just take it into account. It may also be a desire to be attractive. And then the child can focus on those activities that allow you to get the desired result. For example, if a young man wants to be attractive in the eyes of the girls - it can be dance classes, “

Only positive
With young smokers have to work only on a wave of positive. It makes no sense to scare the girl early wrinkles - it is still very far from this. But note that after the withdrawal from nicotine improves appearance, are less acne and hair fall out - can have effect.

The boy can also push on the idea that kissing a smoker - not a pleasant one, and the "psevdokrutostyu" even a young girl cannot keep.

To psychologists. "In any case, the arguments are only those that are relevant to that particular person at that particular moment. It concerns a teenager, child or adult. If what you say is not personally meaningful, it will pass. Try to find reasons, it is important for your child "- advises psychologist.

Develop myths
Teenage Wednesday - the most favorable for the emergence and strengthening of myths. The task of parents and teachers - to talk about these myths and dispel them. For example, so far in the course of the myth that smoking helps to lose weight. As a result, young people believe in such a simple method to get rid of excess weight, without thinking about the consequences. Another myth says that smoking helps you relax. It is not, because the problem only "postponed until the smoldering cigarette," but face it still have.

"Smoking - not an addiction, give up, if I want to" - the most dangerous myth, because, according to statistics, only 1 out of 100 people can quit smoking by yourself. In addition, the British psychologists conducted a study which showed that the formation of tobacco dependence schoolchildren aged 12-13 years is enough to smoke 2-3 cigarettes. The lower the age, the faster mechanism is formed according to - use this argument in a conversation about the dangers of smoking.

To psychologists. "The human brain is designed in such a way that if two events occurred one after another, we connect them. As if something was the cause and consequence of something. Since forming myths. Perhaps someone is under stress and at this time is less eating, less sleep, more nervous and more smoke. The body wears out, the person loses weight rapidly. Then the situation is stabilized, it is possible to rest, comes the idea that we should give up smoking. And at this time the body recovers and begins to "stock up" for the future. In head the thought creeps in, "I got better, because quit smoking." And myths are born. It is necessary to explain to your child how to separate flies from cutlets and why some relationships - far-fetched, "- said the expert.

Forbidden fruit - sweet?

There are three things that adults are allowed and no child - is to drink, smoke and have sex. Often children start smoking to grow faster in their eyes and in the eyes of others. He still nothing is impossible, but very desirable. Perhaps if smoking is not forbidden fruit, it will not be such a necessary step on the way of growing up?
To psychologists. "The most discouraging explanation adult:" You cannot, because you're still not mature enough. “The child may perceive the phrase as "you lower quality, I better than you." The obvious question is: "what’s the difference between us? '. As a result, the child tends to be good and do the same things that adults do. In my opinion, the common phrase: "I am a mother, I know better", "you're still a baby," "will have their children see," "as long as you live under my roof, I'll point out to you what to do" - is pronounced in the case if you want to deliberately sow and cultivate grain of insecurity and low self-esteem in your child. Then it will be childish and would amount to nothing. But it will never be as good as a parent, “

Allow your child to make decisions
All solutions - vital and not - for parents taking their children. Therefore, the decision to start smoking - could become the first independent act in the life of your child.

To this did not happen, it is necessary to give more freedom to the teenager and to form his sense of responsibility - especially in front of him. Let him decide whom to be friends with anyone, and how to dress - and then the child will not have to prove cigarettes with you their independence.

To psychologists. "The opportunity to open communication of parent and child, when your child can talk about their hopes, fears and find the adult part, without the guidance, and the pressure - the key to a more harmonious and integral development of the person. If a young adult with a young child knows that his opinion is important and that he himself is responsible for what happens to him, he will take responsibility for their decisions. And you'll know what's going on in his life, and his experience to support it and help it "- suggests the expert.

Talk about drugs
Explain that it is a drug, but talk to him like an adult. You should not intimidate and frighten a child, he needs - to explain: what is the relationship what it is like there, why it so difficult to get rid of.
To psychologists. "The availability of information is always expanding informed choices. If we find ourselves in a strange situation, we instinctively seek out, through trial and error. If we have the information about what is happening, we can quickly navigate and make a decision ", - explained the psychologist.

Make friends
Being in the status of one another, you can always learn more about your child than when you are perceived as the embodiment of austerity and punishment. Becoming a child of the other, you first find out who among his friends and peers already lit, and can it with him and just talk quietly, learning along the way, I wonder whether he himself try to smoke a cigarette. In addition, the mutual friendship and trust will help to monitor and first experiences with alcohol, and love the events in the life of a teenager.

To psychologists. "The opportunity to come and consult with you as with a more experienced person - always important for a child. Remember that teens are not accepted to show that the parent is the authority. And if you think that a child cannot hear you, or resist, be discreet and quiet. If he makes an appearance, it does not mean that he does not listen to you. But for him, it is important to keep your face and be independent. Give him the opportunity. Speak your opinion, is argued to give information without pressure. All that is necessary, the child will take. Whatever stage of development him or passed, parents will still remain the most important and significant people in his life, has a huge and valuable experience”.

How to protect children from the harmful effects of cellular communication

There are only a few observations on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about the dangers or safety of mobile phones

Fields - left,
field - to the right

One of the major risks cellular - electromagnetic radiation. Mobile phone - the one source of electromagnetic waves, which is always with us. Anxious parents worried: "Can these waves, constantly acting on the body, lead to the development of neoplastic processes? First, the brain. "

But we forget that the electromagnetic fields, and much more powerful, long beset us. Or a computer and a television in every home! A standard telephone wire - is also a source of strong electromagnetic radiation. A electromagnetic waves in any modern transport? On them, we do not think so. As the thermal radiation of infrared. All of it is also harmful to health. And almost unknown. Do "extreme" mobile phone, at least, unwise ...

Of course, that teenagers - one of the most active mobile users. At first glance, any penetration of electromagnetic fields in childhood higher - because of the size and thickness of the child's skull, especially its structure. But reliably declare the dangers of mobile phones only after serious research, which has not happened.
Running to the "old days Alzheimer '?

Constant use of mobile can lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease in a child - that we try to assure at least the last couple of years. As evidence of such arguments lead: children today are increasingly characterized by an inability to recall and reproduce the newly received information. Indeed, the memory disorder - one of the symptoms of "old Alzheimer's" in the early stages. But ... says Boris Arkhipov: "In the Garden - Apples in Kiev - Uncle."

Alzheimer's disease is a hereditary disease. In most cases, this disease of advanced age. And the disease is not "younger".

Mental, cognitive ability of the child, of course, can suffer "because of mobile phones." But in the case to use the phone as a "crib". In other words, literacy can only suffer from improperly organized process of learning in school.
Vyrus Chalka - sms?

Scientists and medical officials, in principle, give parents the right advice: "In order to avoid unnecessary radiation, try to keep a child less than talking on a cell phone." And offer an alternative: let the children actively use SMS! Should I take this advice?

No, and no again, says our expert. When sending SMS, we are 2, a maximum of 4 fingers. The rest of "rest." Plus fixed on the small screen view. All this leads to fatigue of the brain.
And as a child - and to its underdevelopment of certain areas. And then the problems with concentration person just can not be avoided. By the way, the same pose a danger "mobile" game.

It is also noticed that overindulgence SMS leads to poor handwriting - dysgraphia. And the result - the same fatigue and decreased alertness. Plus active SMS users often disregard the rules of spelling. Compliance with the rules and attention - things are also interconnected.

What is the solution?

Exit - not the rejection of the phone, and to limit the talk time. If the adult safety standard - about an hour a day, for a child it should be three times less.

Parents should explain to the child the truth available:
  • Talking on a cell phone is necessary only in the case;
  • MS can not be abused;
  • Do not hold the phone to your ear while there is a dial-up. When the connection is successful, the power of the electromagnetic radiation decreases significantly. But the kids are impatient, so it is better to use a headset;
  • At night to keep the mobile phone away from the bed, the more you can not charge it to the nearest outlet.
By and large, these rules are mandatory for all!

In the modern world is so much danger that suffer because of the mobile phone - the last thing. I never forbade her child to use it. The task of parents - not to ban, but to show a reasonable approach to everything, including to the use of technical devices.

Why the child sweats heavily in his sleep

Why the child is sweating so much? What is the symptom of a disease severe sweating?
Maybe excessive sweating - a sign of an illness?

Responsible for the secretion of sweat autonomic nervous system, which regulates the activity of another, and the circulatory, respiratory, digestion, body temperature, and more. In babies, it is not very well developed, and the sweat glands are not completely formed, that just may be the cause of severe hyperhidrosis.

Sweat glands are beginning to "work" with only 3-4 weeks, and all their development is completed by 4-5 years. Therefore, the fact that the child's body reacts to the temperature above a certain level of heavy sweating, - normally.

Most parents’ kid seems so fragile that they are beginning to coddle him, to protect her from everything. Do not go on about their desires, and since three weeks of age wear crumbs as would dress you. Moreover, some pediatricians believe that if the baby moving, it should be easier to wear: running, children quickly warmed up.

Parents often notice that the baby is sweating at night. In this case, you need to adjust the temperature in the bedroom; it should not be higher than +20 °, and humidity - 50-60% higher.

Wear crumbs in pajamas only natural fabrics. Maybe should change the duvet and pillow synthetic towards cleaner and lighter.

After the cold
When a child is sick, increases not only the temperature, but also increases the amount of sweat. In this case, the sweating - a protective mechanism that prevents further temperature rise, and helps eliminate toxins. But in order to establish normal sweating, you need some time, but until then crumb will continue to sweat even at normal temperatures. In this case, no other measures besides hygiene, to watch out for.

The big excitement
How often have you sweating palms with a strong nervous excitement? And the crumbs even more sensitive to the spiritual experiences both positive and negative, than adults. In this case, they do not sweat the palms as we have, and the head and neck.

Fatigue, lack of sleep can also cause sweating baby, try to establish a daily routine and to keep the child from excessive fatigue.

It is rickets?
Dangerous causes sweating are much less common. Here, in the first place - possible rickets, the first signs of which appear in 1-2 months.

Suspect this condition is possible if:
  • Excessive sweating occurs during sleep. The most heavily sweating face and scalp;
  • Increased sweating at any voltage, for example, during a meal or when the baby is straining. At the same time more and more cases of constipation;
  • Sweat baby gets sour smell, it irritates the skin and crumb begins to rub his head on the pillow, which causes baldness neck;
  • There is anxiety, irritability. Scarce shudders even quiet sounds, bright light, it becomes an anxiety dream.
The diagnosis can be a doctor. And to avoid rickets, often with the child to walk, since vitamin D, which prevents a state is formed in the skin itself under the influence of sunlight. The important role played by the proper, balanced diet, gymnastics.

Disruptions of the nervous system
The second most common cause of excessive sweating panic - a disease of the nervous system:
  • Baby is sweating for no apparent reason, sometimes very strong; 
  • Sweat just some place or mismatched parts of the body, for example, only one palm or just forehead; 
  • From perspiring baby smells unpleasant and sharp; 
  • Pot changed the texture: it became a thick, gooey, or, on the contrary, very liquid and plentiful.
Even one such sign is enough to show the child neurologist.

The third reason is a dangerous - hereditary disease. In certain disease usually affects all the organs that secrete secrets, and it's not just sweat, but the saliva glands that produce mucus, digestive juices.
For example, in cystic fibrosis, the most common disease among all hereditary abnormalities, a very important feature is the change in the composition of sweat. Since it is several times increased excretion of sodium and chlorine, with a kiss parents notice the salty taste of the baby's skin, and if you look closely, it is possible to even see the salt crystals.
A baby's sweat, patients with phenylketonuria, has a peculiar musty odor; it is called the "mouse."

How to prevent eye diseases in children?

How often should you visit an ophthalmologist? What if the baby has "turn sour eyes"? Children squint - as far as it is dangerous? Conveys a cataract inherited?
The difference in the pupils should alert parents. Must first be examined by a neurologist and neooftalmologa because the difference in the pupils can say that there are problems in the brain. If neurological side no problems, made computed tomography, conducted a full examination and did not reveal any pathology, then it may be a variant of normal.

Sometimes an innate difference increasing pupil. If the child is not concerned, then it is not treated. Over time, this in children is becoming more noticeable, because the children pupils themselves are wider than in adults. With age pupils become narrow, so it is not so noticeable. More noticeable in a dark room when physiologically pupils dilate, especially if peering into his eyes. If the child lived to be 10 years old, and you did not notice, so neurologically everything is fine and you should not worry.

Children squint - what to do and how dangerous it is?

Strabismus up to six months is not considered pathological, because the retina matures after birth. Retina - the light-sensitive organ, when a child is born, he has such a clear vision, as we have not. The retina, visual pathways, the analyzer in the cerebral cortex are formed after birth, so the eyes can mow. In three months, it is generally not pathology. If neurologically healthy child, no birth defects or comorbidity, cerebral palsy and other things, all can be normalized. In the year of the child is always watching wide pupil, determine the refractive power of the eye, the so-called refraction, which in a child-free stock. In the year, as a rule, have strabismus should not be. If strabismus occurs because the optical power of the eye, it appears much later, after two or three years.

Prevention and Care
When it is recommended that a newborn baby show an ophthalmologist?

Newborns are always looking at the hospital ophthalmologist. If there are no complaints, look in the month, three months, six months and a year. If you have a problem, you should go to the competent doctor.
If there are no problems, then a year we are expanding the pupil and see the refractive power of the eye, we define the so-called stock-free. Children should be far-sighted, that is they have above-zero refraction. The kids eyes short, so this stock a year should be normal to plus 2.5-3. If the original amount of the reserve in the eye and diopters, for example, add 0.5, then the eye will naturally grow, and this advantage is exhausted before. 0 reached the age of three, goes beyond the already negative. If the original plus a small margin, the child is at risk of myopia. But this is not always the case. Sometimes, it's small in the year, a little before going to school, the whole school - small, but the child - the perfect vision.

If the child "turn sour eyes" - what to do?
Obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct is shown zakisaniya eyes at someone in a week or two, someone a little later, depending on how strong narrowing and how good mother takes care of the eyes of a child. If she is well and actively washes, then maybe later arise.

The initial phase is prescribed antiseptic drops and massage the lacrimal sac to remove this obstruction, because, as a rule, about 10% of babies are born with the closure of the nasolacrimal duct. Normally, it must be opened to the tenth week of fetal development of the child, but sometimes it's plenochka (rudimentary membrane) does not resolve the time of birth, and resolves after. Or in the naso-lacrimal duct is a lump in the form of mucus, which also can be dissolved after childbirth. If this does not happen, because sometimes the reason is not that the cork gelatinous, and some coarser changes, adhesions or more anatomically narrow naso-lachrymal canals, then you need to do sounding nasal lacrimal duct.

Up to six months if the condition persists, then pull no longer need to go on sounding. Probing recommend doing before the age of three with a good prognosis. The longer the pull, the more the running becomes an obstruction, and further prognosis is worse - and require repeated probing and irrigation, and atony of the lacrimal system. In the future, these problems may persist for life and limit the choice of profession. Sometimes parents come with a baby of six months and say, "We were told that it will resolve itself before the year."

But because the smaller the child, the easier it is the operation under local anesthesia - droplets dripped, the probe were tearful way, washed. And furthermore, is likely to re-probing is required. If you are waiting for many months, the inflammatory process is lengthy, big baby, keep it complicated; sedation is required, which means - a hospital.

This disease, like cataracts, inherited?

It is one thing - it is age-related cataract, which threatens all of us. When a person wears reading glasses, it's a primary seal the lens. Cataract - is the degree of maturity of the lens opacities may be the smallest in 45, and by 50 years. Age-related cataract - it's like wrinkles as gray hair. Afraid of this word is not necessary, it is a common normal development of the eye, the normal change in the structure of the lens, sealing its layers, and it becomes denser, less transparent, and less flexible. Therefore, with age, some earlier, some later, wear reading glasses. This initial signs that the crystalline lens loses its elasticity. Need to observe the degree of cataract. When the degree of vision becomes low enough that it begins to interfere with life, you have to have surgery. Now there is no clear gradation on visual acuity, all need different vision: one is a driver and he needs 100% sight, someone is sitting at home with his grandchildren, and he only needs 50%. Earlier there was a clear gradation. Visual acuity less than such figures - go for surgery. Now estimate how cataract interferes with a person to live. The main thing is that it does not overripe, in time to do the surgery. Some do surgery to replace the lens in 60 years, some at 70, and to someone and 80.

The operation - replacing a cloudy lens with an artificial transparent. This is a gem of eye surgery perfect operation. If there is a common disease of the body: diabetes, metabolic disorders, obesity, the lens - is as much a living tissue - can thicken faster. After a serious injury and is a dramatic progression of cataracts

Pros and cons of pacifiers: spoils bite, but does not drown

On this issue has never been unity. As a result, every mother makes the choice. But we will help her to understand the pros and cons of pacifier

Sucking instinct
In infants sucking instinct - you can say, basic, and it has to be satisfied. It is easy to occur, if the baby is breastfed on demand. But often the mother is not able to put the baby to the breast at any time of day, and then comes to the rescue dummy. If a child is bottle-fed, it is physiologically required after each feeding. And for the formation of a correct bite only need to choose wisely orthopedic pacifier.

The American Academy of Pediatrics examined the causes of infant mortality in the U.S. and developing island states, and has identified a pattern. On the islands of moms do not worry about the pacifier, and the number of cases of the syndrome of infant mortality is much lower there than in most developed country. The reason is that pacifiers prevent the tongue and the sudden cessation of breathing during sleep, and do not give the baby to choke the sudden regurgitation.

If a breastfed baby should hold a medical procedure, for example, to take blood from a finger, pacifier will help distract him and soften the pain of the procedure.

Mouth clasp
Appearing in a public place with a child in her arms, her mother is important that it was quiet. In this case, nothing to do but to just shut my mouth pacifier. The same is sometimes necessary to do in cold or windy weather, the child is not swallowed the icy air.

The lower jaw of a child is much less than the top, sucking load just eliminate this imbalance. But the mother's breast and sucking pacifiers uses different muscles, so after teething in children with a pacifier teeth are pushed forward, can grow crooked. Moreover, if we do not give up the pacifier after one year, it will put pressure on the periodontium - the soft tissue that holds the teeth in place. In babies, it is extremely malleable, and a constant load on it forms a malocclusion.

Poor delivery
Speech therapists are easily distinguished children abused pacifier: because of malocclusion and the position of the tongue there are problems with the pronunciation of a number of sounds.

Conflict of breasts and nipples
If you give the baby a pacifier before breastfeeding is fully established, it may refuse the breast. After all, non-nutritive sucking with less effort.

Ear Infections
Uncontrolled sucking on pacifiers third increases the number of ear infections, especially if the baby stuffy nose. Nutritive sucking creates increased pressure in the auditory tube between the nose and the ear, which increases the chance of infection.

The problem of sterility
As soon as the child is able to move himself, he will be able to raise the fallen pacifier. And if her mother before obdast boiling water, the child finds itself in the mouth directly from the floor.

Substitution of concepts
Mother-child need not only for feeding but also for comfort when he is sad or has something hurts. In such cases, giving a pacifier, Mom "plug" the baby's mouth instead of calm.

For months, giving your baby a pacifier at bedtime, we form a dependency on it, without this "nanny" baby begins to feel real discomfort